Viersen Photoblog

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The old aspect to the east, looking down Viersen's ancient Heierstrasse toward the High Street, is about to be changed forever by the disgraceful destruction (by a company called Caritas) of the row of historic houses on the left. In their place will come a soulless factory style building which will house the company's regional headquarters and some old age pensioners.

Some folks may think it an improvement to rip down the old buildings, which were falling into decay. They're certainly not looking their best in this picture. But this is to ignore the fact that the decay was the result of the lamentable custodianship of these and similar buildings by Viersen Council. Viersen Council in effect deliberately allowed the buildings to decay, over the years, so that there would be no realistic alternative to demolishing them. To demolish and build anew is easier and more profitable than to restore.

In this way, accompanied by repeated assurances from Viersen Council that the buildings were protected and would be saved, the Caritas company initially allowed plans to be drawn up showing the old buildings incorporated into the new design. These plans were then, at the end of last year, silently replaced with plans in which the lovely old buildings would be torn down. This was a most cynical sleight of hand on the part of Caritas and the authorities, and shows the indifference which such people feel for their responsibilities and for the open and moral conduct of business.

The mystery is that Viersen's politicians and council, whose responsibility it is to protect such architecture, failed to protest. The protest was left to private individuals - as usual in Viersen. The Caritas company ignored these protests in an appropriately arrogant fashion, obviously uninterested in the opinions and feelings of the people whose habitat it is now destroying.

The irony is that, whilst Viersen's council and politicians are letting this proceed on the basis of the financials, they are actually subverting the future earning-power of the city. By robbing Viersen of its old heritage and character, and making it look more and more like any other city bombed-flat by war or council incompetence, they will make it an ever less attractive city to live, shop and work. If these people are allowed to proceed in this way, Viersen will soon be an empty, soulless city dominated by empty, soulless modern architecture.

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At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're so right, Freddie. This is a true shame and another terrible example how politicians and undertakers destroy worthy historical parts of the old city.
Well documented! I linked to your posting at my local web magazine


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